Scalable Flow Reactors

Pushing the Boundaries of Flow Chemistry


Creaflow develops and manufactures scalable flow reactors technology that pushes the boundaries in photochemistry, electrochemistry & multi-phase chemistry.

"The Development of a Scalable Continuous-flow Photoreactor" in PharmaChem

"The Development of a Scalable Continuous-flow Photoreactor" in PharmaChem

14/08/2020 - 11:33

The latest article in the PharmaChem describes the development of the scalable HANU™ Flow Reactor.

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Chemistry Today - Panel discussion on Flow Chemistry

29/07/2020 - 11:55

In the latest issue of Chemistry Today, Dr. Hannes Gemoets (Head of R&D Creaflow) comments in the Panel discussion on Flow Chemistry together with some of the most important Key Players in the field. Some of the hot topics discussed: Future perspectives on Drug approvals; Benefits & challenges to implementing Machine Learning; Potential for localized manufacturing; zero-waste target; The importance of courses in education.

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Creaflow moves to BlueChem, a unique incubator for sustainable chemistry in Flanders

Creaflow moves to BlueChem, a unique incubator for sustainable chemistry in Flanders

30/06/2020 - 12:04

Creaflow is glad to announce to be one of the first startup companies who will be located in the BlueChem building, the first incubator for sustainable chemistry in Flanders, located in BlueGate at the Port of Antwerp.

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Unique capability of handling solid (photo)catalysts in flow demonstrated

17/05/2020 - 12:08

In a recent article "An oscillatory plug flow photoreactor facilitates semi-heterogeneous dual nickel/carbon nitride photocatalytic C–N couplings" by the Kappe group, it was demonstrated that the HANUTM reactors can efficiently be used to perform scalable flow experiments with heterogeneous catalysts. Open access article The use of the COSTATM technology, which combines an oscillatory flow regime with a microstructured plug flow photoreactor, led to a stable suspension of the photocatalyst, circumvented clogging and improved the residence time distribution (RTD) profile.

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HANU™ reactor enables scalable protocol for slurry-based MacMillan metallaphotoredox Csp2-Csp3 coupling

HANU™ reactor enables scalable protocol for slurry-based MacMillan metallaphotoredox Csp2-Csp3 coupling

13/04/2020 - 12:15

In their latest Organic Process Research & Development article, Ecosynth reports the application of the HANU™ reactor to enable a heterogeneous MacMillan-type C(sp2)–C(sp3) cross-electrophile coupling. Combination of an oscillatory flow regime with static mixing elements imparts exquisite control over the mixing intensity and residence time distribution, pinpointing a mindset shift concerning slurry handling in continuous flow reactors. The C(sp2)–C(sp3) cross-electrophile coupling was successfully transferred from batch to flow, resulting in an intensified slurry process with significantly reduced reaction time and increased productivity.

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